STILL busy people of this country do not know how to eat this fruit kerana odd shape, with the outer skin is red and has wings like a dragon, so he got the name dragon fruit (dragon fruit).
Do not laugh if someone had cut the skin like eating apple fruit, although I actually eat the dragon fruit is to cut two and menceduk contents by using the blade.
However, on the contrary it seems an odd, dragon fruit rather than families 'cactacea' belonging to the species of cactus and getting a place among modern farmers of this country, in fact rich with benefits.
Dragon fruit has contents such as kiwi fruit. At this time, dragon fruit which is white in it more easily found in the market, but follow expert feeds and perubatan, red fruit that its contents have more benefits.
In amnya, experts agree and acknowledge dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium is good for kesihatan versus other fruits are imported.
Following the vice Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, Sarekat planting dragon fruit red and the largest investigation in this country, AL Leong, honey cactus fruit is quite rich with various vitamins and mineral substances which may help to improve durability and reduce metabolism in the human body.
"Studies show red dragon fruit is excellent for penghadaman system and blood circulation. He also gave back instigate action to reduce emotional stress and toxic meneutralkan in the blood.
"The study also shows this fruit can prevent kanser intestine, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in blood and at the same time reduce levels of fat in the body," he said.
Overall, every red dragon fruit contain adequate protein metabolism that is able to reduce weight and maintain heart kesihatan; fiber (guard kanser intestine, diabetes and diet); carotene (kesihatan eyes, strengthens the brain and inhibit disease), calcium (bone strengthening) and fosferos (growth of body tissue).
Dragon fruit also contain adequate iron to increase the blood; vitamin B1 (hot escort agency); vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lower cholesterol) and vitamin C (increase slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne).
Leong said, one more amazing fact is that according to recent studies, efficacy was not terhad dragon fruit to fruit, but also shape the overall principal.
He said, dragon fruit can also be used as a lazat dessert.
"We also get products Sarekat juice, jelly, and red Wain than this fruit. At the same time, not yet ripe fruit may be cooked soup and mixed with meat, fish or bones, "he said.
Leong said, dragon fruit flowers can also be fried as a vegetable, used as a side dish and can also be dried for flower tea.
"Flowers principal has high levels of debunga kerana tempoh full bloom she was too short, so gus causing bees and other insects do not have time to take full debunganya versus other flowers that bloom for months.
"Debunga dragon fruit flower also has a high efficacy and good enough to kesihatan humans," he said.
Leong said, the principal branch of the dragon fruit can also be used as a salad, side dish, fried with sambal belacan and cooked soup, which proved memorable to dump toxic in the body and wash the stomach.
"In South America, branches dragon fruit to be crushed and cured foods such as cow and goat farm. He proved able to increase levels of milk, other farm related qualities, "he said.
Leong said, at this time the dragon fruit or name saintifiknya 'epiphytes' or 'Pitaya' and comes from South America favored the Chinese who laid 'Paw Wang Fa Kor'.
"We are now trying to promote this fruit to all the people of Malaysia kerana not only tastes good but also very nutritious. Not amazed expensive.
"However, we are now busy trying to encourage more people in this country grow dragon fruit by offering attractive incentives, including selling goods at low prices and guarantee the original purchase of the fruit rather than farmers," he said.
Leong said the main advantages is that it bear fruit dragon peevish, including insect resistance, he berikutan principal species of cactus, causing the insect venom should not be used when planting.
"As we are willing to understand, food that is free rather than the use of insecticide is best for kesihatan," he said.
Resistance level
Subtract the body metabolism;
Good for penghadaman and circulatory system
Subtract the emotional pressure
Neutralkan toxic in the blood
Prevent intestinal kanser
Prevent high cholesterol content
Lower the fat content
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