Info Bacaan dan Tips

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Battery Saving Tips

For those who practice for hours with the phone, sure that the main enemy is none other than the battery runs out ngedrop alias. 

If it ngedrop, what can be done. Certainly had to wait hours longer to recharge. Relax your pleasure and comfort cut for several hours. Moreover, if the battery is discharged, the decisive moment or on the way, upset the liver does. 

And you know, it was not often battery Habit Lant Aran dipake often called. Rather, there are few Bebe fats and services on mobile phones that also are consuming your phone battery. 

Now for the boring particulars ¸ avoid sepert ITU, here are some ways to avoiding and reducing the use of battery on your phone. Here's the description: 

Dim lamp screen 
Dim lamp is a good idea if the carry dollars phone screen is dark or dim room. This method is quite helpful would be to reduce the use of battery power that is absorbed by the lamp. OK Pula, the presence of lamp in the room mini-light display is not too crucial.Because the lamp Utami dollars mobile phone capable of supporting the required light enough phones. 

Reduce volume 
OK angling gung professionals established a radio listening to music, mp3 or video, so take the battery Boro pelankan volumetric Enya. Of course, if the battery would be OK multimedia Hema turned off autumn. 

CHECK Email Manual 
In most cell phone users are pampered Deng pints push email service. Loss you know, if it turns out the service suck energy. Now, select where your phone pints Jadida 'virtual' Lant Aran Habit battery, or phone still excellent, even if your hair CHECK Secada email manually. 

Oops, forgot to turn off the wireless network Jang 
CHECK your cell phone, whether wireless networking or inactive. If it is active, Seger off. Often we forget Disabling Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Pengkatifan wireless networks will suck the battery energy. 

CHECK Batteries 
Both mobile phone users pints, how this can be done to install the application Rights Kato Deng battery energy. Bebe There are few applications that inform your cell phone battery condition. 

Sajan For example, users can use the iPhone application and myBatteryLife Battery Go.Both these applications inform how the remaining battery energy and how to predict your phone menitkah able to pump telephon, play music, videos ATAPI online. 
Packaging BlackBerry so Deng fans. NB Applications can be installed so tied stat can help you find out how long the battery can survive the heat of the extent and temperature.Hopefully useful.

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